Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) on Wednesday revoked the suspension of party leader Shivaji Krishnamoorthy, months after he was suspended for his alleged derogatory comments against Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi made in January this year.
The party said that Krishnamoorthy has tendered an apology for his remark. "Shivaji Krishnamoorthy's suspension from the party has been cancelled," a DMK statement said. DMK General Secretary Duraimurugan said, "Shivaji Krishnamoorthy has apologized for his acts. Following this, his suspension is cancelled." In January this year, Krishnamoorthy was 'temporarily suspended' for his controversial remarks against Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi. According to DMK, Krishnamoorthy was suspended over "party unlawful activities". Krishnamoorthy had said, "If the Governor refuses to utter the name of Ambedkar in his Assembly speech, do I not have the right to assault him?" "If you (Governor) do not read out the speech given by the Tamil Nadu government, then go to Kashmir, and we will send terrorists so that they'll gun you down," Krishnamoorthy had said. (ANI)