The Delhi High Court recently permitted Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) Rajya Sabha MP Amarendra Dhari Singh to travel to various countries for business purposes for a period of six months. The court has also suspended the Look Out Circular (LOC) during the period of the next six months starting from May 1 till October 31.
Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh on May 4 allowed the application after hearing the counsel for Singh and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The application is allowed. LOC of the petitioner is suspended for a period of six months starting from 01.05.2023 till 31.10.2023, read the court's order. The court has directed that the petitioner shall inform the CBI about the reasons and the purpose of his visits. The petitioner shall disclose the travel itinerary, his place of stay in Moscow (Russia), Dubai (UAE), Minsk (Belarus), Prague (Czech Republic), London (United Kingdom) and any other country or region and all his contact details to the Investigating Officer K.Pradeep Kumar, the bench directed. The high court said that the petitioner shall return back to India within the stipulated period of six months. During his travel the petitioner shall not contact any other person involved in the investigation carried out by the respondent and specifically, Amol Awasthi, Anupam Awasthi and Vivek Gahlaut and will not tamper with any other evidence, said the high court. Amarendra Dhari Singh is accused of the fertilizer scam. An FIR was registered by the CBI. Subsequently, an ECIR was registered by the Enforcement Directorate also. Advocate Madhav Khuran appeared on behalf of Amarendra Dhari Singh. He submitted that the applicant has been granted permission to travel abroad seven times on earlier occasions. This is the eighth application moved by the applicant. The application moved through advocate Trisha Mittal has sought an order permitting the Petitioner to travel to Moscow, Dubai, Belarus, Prague, London and any other country or region between the next six months for business development and meetings with fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers to liaison, negotiate and obtain future work orders and contracts and to attend international conferences. The plea has also sought an order directing the CBI to issue appropriate directions to the competent authorities to suspend the LOC issued against the petitioner at all ports of entry and exit in the country, for the period of six months between May 01, 2023, to October 31, 2023. On 01.04.2013 Nishikant Dubey had filed a complaint alleging corrupt practices undertaken by U.S. Awasthi, the Managing Director of IFFCO with the Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizer, which in turn forwarded the said complaint to the CBI on 14.06.2016. Finally, on 17.05.2021, CBI registered the FIR, the plea said. It is admitted fact that between 01.04.2013 to 14.06.2016 and between 14.06.2016 to 17.05.2021 despite the wide coverage that the complaints received in the public domain, the petitioner travelled overseas and always returned to India, it added. (ANI)