West Bengal BJP President Sukanta Majumdar on Friday wrote a letter to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) requesting the body to intervene in the recent case of atrocities against tribal sisters in Balurghat who had joined the BJP.
In his letter to NCST Chairperson Harsh Chouhan, Sukanta Majumdar said, "I would like to bring to your attention that although the police have taken action by arresting two accused Anand Roy and Biswanth Das there has been no action taken against the main accused Pradipta Chakraborty". "The incident in question has caused great concern among the Scheduled Tribes community and it is disheartening to see the main accused is still at large. We have evidence that she is seen in videos and giving press bytes regarding the same incident," he wrote. He further requested the NCST to take action against Trinamool Congress worker Pradipta Chakraborty and mentioned that this incident cannot go unpunished. "I urge you to take immediate action against Pradipta Chakraborty. We cannot allow this incident to go unpunished and justice must be served. The action of the West Bengal Police are unacceptable," the letter mentioned. Earlier a video had surfaced on social media where three women in Balurghat were seen crawling on the road and it was alleged that party workers of TMC made them crawl after they had joined BJP. In this regard, the official media handle of BJP Bengal took to Twitter and said, "Women from the ST community joined the BJP & as a punishment, for the 'crime', the TMC made them perform the 'Dandavat Parikrama'. This inhuman treatment of the Tribals is proof of how TMC has tarnished the fabric of Democracy". (ANI)