Amid the ongoing controversy over sexual harassment charges filed by students of the Kalakshetra Foundation, Tamil Nadu State Commission for Women Chairperson A.S. Kumari stated that she would present a report of her findings to the state government on Monday.
She said that she will examine the complaints submitted to her by the students of the Rukmini Devi College of Fine Arts at the Foundation on Friday. A.S. Kumari said Friday's enquiry included personal interviews with 12 students, and virtual interviews with five other students. She said that they have also received nearly 100 written complaints against four teachers in the college. Earlier in the day, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin informed the Assembly that action would be taken against the guilty persons. The Kalakshetra Foundation management had decided to close the college for a period of six days from Friday onwards in the wake of the controversy after the students staged a sit-in protest in the premises since Thursday. The students have accused four faculty members of verbal and sexual harassment, and have written to the Ministry of Culture in this regard. However, matters came to a head after the internal complaints committee of the institute had concluded that the sexual harassment allegations were baseless. On Wednesday, the Chairperson of the National Commission for Women (NCW) had also visited the campus and made inquiries about the allegations. Established in 1936 by dancer Rukmini Devi Arundale, Kalakshetra Foundation is an institute of national importance and offers courses in traditional Indian art forms such as Bharatanatyam dance, and Carnatic music. --IANS pvn/vd ( 277 Words) 2023-03-31-20:34:02 (IANS)