Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday said his government has increased the monthly old-age pension to Rs 1,500 and the state employees as well as their eligible spouses were drawing the desired benefits out of the scheme.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, the chief minister said, "We are determined to work for the upliftment of every section of the society on the mantra of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas'." "More than 600 community health officers have been appointed by our government across several districts of Uttarakhand," he said. "The state government is working to provide employment to our youth while also providing better healthcare to the general public," the chief minister added. The Budget session of the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly at Bhararisain began on March 13, Monday. Before the Assembly went into session, the Congress MLAs staged a sit-in outside the House demanding a CBI inquiry into alleged irregularities in several recruitment examinations in the state. Meanwhile, CM Dhami on Monday said the upcoming Budget will help in the state's holistic development. Chamoli district administration banned processions from Diwalikhal to Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha in view of the ongoing Budget session. Section 144 of CrPC has been imposed in the area, from Diwalikhal to the Assembly premises. (ANI)