Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader and party spokesman Kommireddy Pattabhiram on Friday alleged that the Andhra Pradesh Police blocked the way of Chandrababu Naidu's programme 'Idemi Kharma Mana Rashtraniki' and said that Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy would be responsible if the party national president is harmed.
Pattabhiram alleged that the police sat on the road in front of Naidu's convoy when the TDP supremo was on his way for a roadshow in the Anaparthy Assembly segment in East Godavari district. "It is as if the police are staging a dharna on the road and we are seriously concerned about the security of our leader," he said in a video message. The former minister and senior TDP leader, Mr Alapati Rajendra Prasad, in a press note, claimed that Jagan is caught in a fear psychosis as Chandrababu's road shows are getting tremendous response. "Why the permission for the meeting that was granted in the morning was cancelled by evening? As the people are fed up with the Jagan rule, it is the TDP that is going to come back to power," he said. The MLC and TDP executive secretary, Ashok Babu, strongly condemned the police action. Babu demanded a reply from the Director General of Police (DGP) on the police blocking Naidu's way to Anaparthy. Earlier, Naidu alleged that the Andhra Pradesh government created hurdles during his public meeting in Anaparthy. Addressing a public meeting at Anaparthy, the TDP chief described Jagan Mohan Reddy as a "psycho" Chief Minister and alleged that he obstructed his visit to Anaparthy. "The police had given permission for the meeting in the morning, but now they are saying that there is no permission. What will they say about the permission letter?" he questioned. (ANI)