Maharashtra Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Vice President Kirit Somaiya on Saturday shared a central government order that sought Rs 2.5 crore environmental compensation from Shiv Sena leader Anil Parab in the Sai Resort scam.
The order dated January 12, was issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Coastal Regulation Zone) in which it notified the Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board to realise environmental compensation from Sai Resort situated in Ratnagiri. The order notified Parab to pay the environmental compensation within 15 days of the issue of that order, i.e. January 12. The BJP leader Somaiya has shared the order today stating, "The government started attachments process of Anil Parab properties to recover Rs 2.5 crore (2,52,50,000) penalties for illegal construction of Sai Resort." In 2021, Somaiya has lodged a complaint with Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar against Maharashtra Minister Parab alleging his involvement in forgery, fraud and construction of Rs 10 crore illegal Sai Resort in Ratnagiri. "Anil Parab indulged into forgery, fraud and constructed the Rs 10 crore illegal Sai Resort at Dapoli, Ratnagiri. Though the land is agricultural, construction was done during the covid-19 lockdown. V demand Criminal Action against Shivsena Minister Anil Parab," Somaiya tweeted on May 19, 2021. In a statement issued on May 19, the BJP leaders said, "Maharashtra Minister Anil Parab has constructed Rs 10 crore Sai resort at the seashore of Murud, Dapoli in district Ratnagiri. Somaiya visited the site on May 6 and lodged a complaint with the District Collector and Union Environment Minister." BJP lawmakers Gopal Shetty, Girish Bapat, and Manoj Kotak, also wrote to Javadekar requesting him to send a special environment team to see the violation under Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ). The BJP alleged that Parab had not obtained any permission under the CRZ or any other legal permission for the construction. "The state minister tried to get the resort legalised by forging the documents after May 11 after the expose of the issue. The resort was built during the 2020 covid-19 induced lockdown," the BJP leaders added in the statement. The BJP leaders demanded action against the then Transport and Parliamentary Affairs Minister and immediate demolition of the resort. (ANI)