The Delhi High Court on Wednesday sought a response from the Centre through the Ministry of Labour and Employment and others on a plea filed by the Labour Law Association against the shifting of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal cum Labour Court from Rouse Avenue District Court Complex to a new building constructed by the Central Government in Dwarka.
The Bench of Justice Satish Chander Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad on Wednesday sought a response from respondents and granted four weeks to the Union of India to file a status report. The Petitioner was represented by Rajiv Agarwal, Jawahar Raja, Meghna De, L Gangmei and Varsha Sharma. The plea stated that since May 2019, the Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals including the CGITs have been functioning from the Rouse Avenue Courts Complex. The other stakeholders including litigants and representatives are satisfied with this centrally located facility. The plea also submitted that High Court did not grant any permission to the Respondent Ministry of Labour and Employment regarding the shifting of CGITs from Rouse Avenue Courts Complex. It further stated that the litigants and their representatives will suffer immensely because of the shifting of the CGITs to one end of the city. The trade union officials and the advocates practising before the Labour Courts will face difficulties as the practitioners appear before the state labour courts and industrial tribunals on the same day. (ANI)