Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday targeted Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Chief Kamal Nath for not implementing the promises made during the Congress-led government that was in power for 15 months and said, "Congress again started making false promises..."
"The Congress did not fulfill even a single promise made in the promissory note. Now, I will continuously ask Kamal Nath ji about those promises," he told media persons in Ujjain. "Today, I will let you know one of those promises, Nath had named many crops, including wheat, gram, mustard, rice and said that he would give a bonus. Has Kamal Nath given the bonus to even a single person in the last one and quarter years? After all, even a lie has its limits. My process of asking questions to him will begin now," the Chief Minister added. Notably, twenty-two rebel Congress MLAs, whose resignations from the Madhya Pradesh Assembly, owing allegiance to BJP leader and former Union minister Jyotiraditya Scindia led to the fall of the Kamal Nath government in March 2020. Chouhan is in Ujjain to participate in a social media conclave being held at Vikram Kirti Mandir in the district. "Today is Narmada Jayanti. I extend heartfelt greetings to every citizen in Madhya Pradesh and in the country. I pray Maa Narmada to shower blessings on Madhya Pradesh. We get electricity, water for irrigation and drinking water by her grace. May her grace continue forever," he added. "Today there are many Narmada Jayanti programs in the state. Today I am happy because two years ago, on the day of Narmada Jayanti, I had taken a pledge to plant trees everyday. Two years of that resolution have been completed and the third year has started. I am happy to share that I urged people to plant at least one tree on their birthday and about 67 lakh people have planted," the Chief Minister said. "Today social media giants are gathered in the city of Mahakal Baba, a social media conclave is being organised here, I had come here to participate in that conclave," he added. BJP State President Vishnu Dutt Sharma, State Higher Education Minister Mohan Yadav, Ujjain Member of Parliament (MP) Anil Firojiya and BJP leader Muralidhar Rao were also present along with CM Chouhan on the occasion. (ANI)