The Yogi Adityanath government's campaign to make Uttar Pradesh a clean and robust state is getting tremendous support on social media as well. In this sequence, 'Swachh UP Sashakt UP' became one of the top trends on the microblogging platform Twitter on Saturday.
Using the hashtag, Twitterati praised the campaigns being run by the Yogi government for cleanliness and also appreciated better law and order situation and infrastructure in the state. The hashtag reached the number one position on Twitter's India Trends and was among the top trending topics for four hours. During this period, the hashtag reached 19.86 crore people with 31,200 engagements while more than 15,200 tweeted and retweeted tagging Swachh UP Sashakt UP. The trend was completely organic. Tweets were also made on this hashtag from the CM's Office. A user Arun Yadav wrote, "Yogiji has eliminated both mafia and filth from UP." Another user Sudhir Mishra wrote, 'During previous governments, UP's cities figured among filthiest cities, today in Yogi Government, the same cities top in cleanliness rankings." Rahul Kumar Valmiki wrote, "UP has improved greatly in the last 5 years. Industries have expanded, the youth of the state have got better opportunities for self-employment. UP has become strong under the leadership of Maharaj ji." Prachi Sadhvi wrote, 'UP has a different identity, not just that. Yogi ji has made the state clean as well as strong". (ANI)