Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur on Sunday said that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was on the front foot during the recent assembly elections because of its excellent management.
CM Thakur was addressing a review meeting of BJP's election management committee at Parwanoo on Sunday and said that the party leadership focused on proper planning and execution of all policies. "The election was contested with complete decency and simplicity, and there was no shortcoming," Thakur said while addressing the party workers. He also lauded the efforts of all 18 party departments and their coordination in ensuring the smooth conduct of events and public rallies. "I would like to congratulate each one of the party workers for their efforts and coordination. BJP will form a strong government in the state," he said. BJP state president Suresh Kashyap also addressed the meeting and said that BJP is the only political party which works for 365 days. "Even when other political parties go to sleep once the elections are over, BJP prefers to keep on working," said Kashyap. Senior leaders of the party including Rajeev Bindel, Sikandar Kumar, Rajeev Bhardwaj, and Pawan Rana among others were also present in the meeting. Polling for 68 legislative assembly seats in Himachal Pradesh was held on November 12, and the state recorded a 75.6 per cent voter turnout and thus breaking the 2017 record. The results are scheduled to be declared on December 8. (ANI)