The Enforcement Directorate (ED) said on Monday that it has conducted searches at seven premises in connection with the Odisha honeytrap case involving Archana Nag, Jagabandhu Chand, Khageswar Patra, Shradhanjali Behera and others, who allegedly ran a sextortion racket.
Nag and her associates allegedly ran the racket, which targeted influential and affluent persons. The ED said that during the course of search, several incriminating documents, digital evidence such as mobile phones, and one SUV were seized. Hours after arresting Khageswar Patra in connection with the Archana Nag honeytrap case last week, the ED got approval of the court to take him on remand for 10 days. The ED had detained Patra last week after conducting raids at the houses and properties of Archana, who has been arrested for allegedly amassing wealth by honey-trapping prominent people in Odisha. Jagabandhu Chand, the husband of Archana, is also in jail in connection with the case. According to reports, Patra happened to be the business partner of the couple. He was running a used car dealership business between 2010 and 2019. After coming in contact with Archana, he expanded his business by building a used car showroom in Hansapal on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar. Recently, the ED registered a money laundering case against the couple and their two associates -- Patra and Sradhanjali Behera. --IANS atk/arm ( 233 Words) 2022-11-14-23:22:05 (IANS)