Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Friday released a logo for the Mahakumbha Mela of South India to be held at Triveni Sangama in KR Pete taluk of Mandya district from October 13 to 16.
A special logo has been prepared for this event to be held in Ambigarahalli, Sangapura in KR Pete where there will be a confluence of Cauvery-Hemavathi-Lakshmantirtha. There will be Gangarathi, and various religious and cultural programs daily. The Chief Minister collected information about the Mahakumbhamela and issued instructions to make the special arrangements as lakhs of people are expected to participate in it. Minister for Sericulture, Youth Empowerment and Sports Dr Narayanagowda, MLC CP Yogeshwar, MLA L Nagendra, Mandya DC S Ashwathi and others were present. Taking to Twitter, CM Bommai said, "Daily Gangarati, various religious and cultural programs will be held and a special launch of Mahakumbah Mela has been prepared." "This is an important program of the state. Lakhs of devotees are expected to attend the Kumbh Mela, so I have suggested that all necessary preparations and special care should be taken to ensure that there is no problem," he added. (ANI)