Taking to Twitter, Muraleedharan wrote, "Thank @EduMinOfIndia @dpradhanbjp Ji for taking cognisance of an incident at the #NEETExam centre in Kollam, Kerala & instructing NTA to ascertain facts."
Earlier on Tuesday, National Testing Agency (NTA) formed a Fact Finding Committee to visit Kerala's Kollam following an alleged incident in which a student was asked to remove her innerwear before appearing for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). It has been brought to the notice of the Ministry of Education through various media reports that an incident allegedly happened in one of the centres of NEET (UG)- 2022 near Kollam district in Kerala. NTA has already issued a clarification in this regard. Kerala police on Tuesday registered a case in connection with an alleged incident in which a student was asked to remove her innerwear before appearing for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) in the state's Kollam district. A case was registered under sections 354 and 509 of the Indian Penal Code at the Chadayamangalam police station in the Kollam Rural police district. The incident came to light after a student filed a complaint with the Superintendent of Police at Kollam after the NEET exam for undergraduate medical courses on July 18. In her complaint, the student alleged that she was asked to remove her innerwear before entering the examination hall. Reportedly, the parent of the student alleged that girls were forced to remove their innerwear before being permitted to sit for the exam and they had to give the exam along with other students who were boys as well as male invigilators, which made the girls uncomfortable affected them mentally. "My daughter has been preparing for the NEET exam since 8th grade. We were confident that she would achieve a good rank on the test but due to this issue she was unable to concentrate and couldn't properly write the exam," a student's father told ANI. Citing the National Testing Agency's guidelines, the parent also highlighted that according to the norms mandated by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts NEET had not mentioned any ban on any form of brassiere (bra) and hooks'. "They were very uncomfortable. The guideline issued by NTA had not mentioned any ban on bras and hooks. We were following all guidelines. But the staff did not allow them to enter the classroom without removing inner-wear," he added. (ANI)