Former Punjab police chief Shashi Kant on Friday showed concerns over the growing collaboration of Pakistan-backed Khalistani groups, terrorists and local gangsters in Punjab and said that this may challenge the security and integrity in the state and rest of the country.
Calling it a 'notorious alliance', former Punjab DGP Shashi Kant said, "We had militancy, thereafter splinter elements belonging to various pro-Khalistan terrorists or militant groups had been active. But, of late, these gangs are getting a stronghold in Punjab." Referring to the recent killing of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala, the former DGP said, "Still, the more unfortunate part thereof is-- as in the recent killing of Sidhu Moosewala, they were saying AK94 or AK47 arms were used. Prior to that, in the Mohali Intelligence Building Attack, they used a rocket launcher-- they got hold of these weapons through some outside forces, the forces which are inimical to India. Our security and again, specifically, the militant groups, the terrorist groups which are hiding in Pakistan's Punjab and elsewhere are supported by ISI, I see the situation as extremely serious." "If there is a gang-up between the gangs of Punjab and the militants or the ISI, that kind of hobnobbing can be very dangerous for the security and the integrity of the country," Shashi Kant said. As per the information, Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, which is behind making attempts to create instability in India's Punjab is not only pushing such collaborations but is also using social media as a tool to add fuel to the fire. Shashi Kant further said, "Pakistan will not stop from doing such nefarious activities, they will keep doing such one issue or the other. They have only one agenda, primarily because of the reason that the moment the Pakistani government, (whatever it might be, any organisation or political party) the day they stop their anti-India tirade and anti-India stand, the maulvis, ulemas, the fundamentalists living in Pakistan will ensure that the Pakistan government has overthrown immediately. "So, they will not stop and will keep on encashing. Why only talk of Moose Wala, recently in Udaipur, when a tailor was beheaded by two guys they (Pakistan) have raised that issue also. Pakistan has been doing it. Pakistan will continue doing it. We have to be very clear about it. And we have to master all our sources and resources to ensure that they don't succeed in their nefarious activities," he added. Emphasising that Pakistan and its spy agency (ISI), have activated its sleeper cells since the government in Punjab was changed, Kant said that Pakistan takes advantage during any such transition. He further said, "To an extent, it may be true. Because, whenever there is a new government in any country, in any state it takes some time to put on its foothold. In the transition phase of any government, things are slightly not too strong and that is the time when such elements try to carry out all such things." "You may recall when Captain Amrinder Singh had demitted his office and a new government came, there was a blast in Ludhiana court as the new government had come into power," he added while talking about the faith in security forces and their entire spectrum. Kant also alleged that Pakistan has not only provided shelter to pro-Khalistanis in its territory but is also indulged in the illegal supply of drugs, sophisticated weapons and fake currency to India via Punjab. "Drugs, Arms and ammunition, fake currency-- everything has been coming in from Pakistan for ages now. I feel that the smuggling is going on. The only difference is now that they are taking different routes. They have been coming from Pakistan as well, through drones and it appears that the sea route has opened up," he said. "In one of the ports, a massive amount of drugs was recovered and hence there was another report that a boat, that carried drugs and ammunition, was coming from Pakistan and was intercepted in the Kutch area. Unfortunately, for us, they will keep doing this. What we need is vigilance, more vigilance and more vigilance". (ANI)