Jammu and Kashmir Police along with security forces have arrested two terrorist associates of the proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Budgam.
Incriminating materials, explosive material and ammunition were also recovered from their possession, the police informed. The police in Budgam along with the Army (62RR) and CRPF (43Bn) at a checkpoint established at the Chandpora area of Budgam arrested two terrorist associates of the proscribed terror outfit LeT. They have been identified as Zahid Ahmad Sheikh and Sahil Bashir Dar. Incriminating materials of proscribed terror outfit LeT, explosive material and ammunition including one hand grenade, two pistol magazines and 15 AK-47 rounds have been recovered from their possession. Accordingly, a case under relevant sections of law has been registered at Budgam Police Station and an investigation has been initiated. (ANI)