Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu on Friday hit out at AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann over the arrest of BJP leader Tajinder Bagga and said that they are using Punjab police to settle their personal scores.
Sidhu further asked to stop tarnishing the image of Punjab Police by politicising it. "Tajinder Bagga could be from a different party, one could have ideological differences. But Political vendetta, of Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann, to settle personal scores through Punjab police is a cardinal sin... Stop tarnishing the image of Punjab Police by Politicising it..," Sidhu said in a tweet. Bagga was arrested from his Delhi house on Friday morning by the Punjab Police, based on a complaint registered with its cyber cell. Bagga allegedly threatened Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a tweet during a protest on March 30. The complainant also submitted statements and video clips of Bagga to the police. After BJP leader Tajinder Bagga was arrested by Punjab Police from his residence in the national capital early Friday morning, Delhi Police filed a case of abduction against the move. Meanwhile, the Punjab Police team, which was taking Bagga for questioning to Mohali was stopped by the Haryana Police at Khanpur, Kurukshetra. Delhi Police today said that it was acting on a complaint filed by Bagga's father saying that some people barged inside their home and beat up the BJP leader. He also complained that Bagga wasn't even allowed to wear a turban. (ANI)