Union Minister Bhupender Yadav on Saturday said that over 27 crore workers from the unorganised sector, which employs over 90 per cent of the workforce, have been registered on the e-shram portal in the last six months.
Talking to reporters, the Union Labour and Employment Minister highlighted the work done by the government for the workers of the unorganized sector. The BJP has been observing 'Samajik Nyay Pakhwada' (fortnight dedicated to social justice) to mark its foundation day on April 6, with its leaders focusing on highlighting the government's specific welfare measures on each of the days. He said that the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working with the vision of "sabka saath sabka vikas" and has reached out to every section of society with various schemes, he said. While emphasizing the concept of 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas', the Union Minister said, "The steps that have been taken in the last seven years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in various fields are not only to move forward to achieve the goal but also to carry forward many programs and schemes at the grassroot level to connect with all the sections of the society." He said that over 90 per cent of the workforce in India is in the unorganised sector. Yadav said that among those who have registered on the platform, 56 per cent are female workers. "In six months, more than 27 crore workers of the unorganized sector have been registered on the e-shram portal in the country. The best thing about this registration is this year, about 54 per cent are women workers and 48 per cent of men have been registered," said Yadav. "59.4 per cent of people who have registered on the e-Shram portal are between the age group of 18-40. All of them have income less than Rs 10,000 but now the work is being done to link our MSME portal, the portal of skill development, agriculture and the National Career Portal with an integrated approach," he added. He further said that the E-Shram cards will be linked to Aadhar cards. "The biggest benefit of this linking is that unorganised sector workers will get pensions, insurance, education, health and other benefits," he added. "In 2019, the Prime Minister's Shram Yojana was started, in which every person up to 60 years of age has been given a guarantee of minimum pension of up to Rs 3000 and till now approximately around 50 lakh labourers are getting this benefit," said Union Minister. He said that Shram Suvidha Portal has also been created in the country and all the arrangements have been given to those who used to visit our government office a lot at one time. "Four new labour codes have been passed by the Parliament and the subject of making laws in the state is going on. The government has established social security fund for nearly 38 crore workers in the unorganised sector," said Yadav. Yadav said that the biggest change brought into the new labour code is ensuring that labourers get the minimum salary. He said that now 50 crores labourers are getting the minimum salary. "All the incentives have been implemented on ground level and have reached everyone. This has increased the confidence in financial growth and development among poor people," Yadav said. He further said that provision has been made to increase the number of labourers from 18000 to 24000. Yadav also referred to the implementation of the one-nation-one-ration card scheme which is helping the poor in procuring their quota of rations from anywhere in the country. Emphasising the need for formalisation of the economy, Yadav mentioned that in the agricultural sector, through farmers' credit, 22-27 per cent formalisation is being done. "The growth of digitalization in the unorganized sector has led to a rapid increase in the formalization of the economy. In the agriculture sector also, a provision has been made to formalize about 22 to 27 per cent by farmers' Credit, the demand for MNREGA has been increased in Budget 2021," he said. The daily wage has been increased from Rs 182 to Rs 202, which has benefitted 13.62 crore families. Atal Pension Yojana provision has been made by the government in all sections. He further said that a new skill development ministry has been created by the government to increase the capacity building of new technology which will provide employment and employment opportunities in the country and skill development is being enhanced through online training in the country. On August 26, 2021, the government launched the e-Shram portal (www.eshram.gov.in) for creating a national database of unorganised workers. It includes construction workers, migrant workers, gig workers and platform workers, street vendors, domestic workers, agriculture workers, etc. According to an official statement released earlier this month, e-Shram portal seeded with Aadhaar will be used to "deliver all the social security benefits of the central and state governments for the unorganised workers." (ANI)