Malayalam film actor and screenwriter Sreenivasan, who was admitted to a private hospital, on March 30, due to a cardiac ailment for which he underwent by-pass surgery is showing significant improvements in recovery, says medical bulletin of Apollo Adlux Hospital in Kochi.
According to the bulletin, he is now weaned from the support of the ventilator and from all cardiac supports. He is able to communicate with family members and is in recovering phase. As a filmmaker, he scripted and directed Vadakkunokkiyanthram (1989) and Chinthavishtayaya Shyamala (1998). While Vadakkunokkiyanthram (1989) won the Kerala State Film Award for Best Film, Chinthavishtayaya Shyamala (1998) won the National Film Award for Best Film on other social issues and Best Popular Film Award at the 29th Kerala State Film Awards. (ANI)