With Yogi Adityanath taking oath as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the second term on Friday, his Cabinet saw a rejig, with a few prominent ministers in the first term, including Satish Mahana, Shrikant Sharma, Dinesh Sharma, not finding space in the new government in the state.
The BJP leader Yogi Adityanath on Friday took oath for his second consecutive term as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Dinesh Sharma, who previously served as the Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, has been dropped from the Yogi cabinet. In his place, Brajesh Pathak along with Keshav Prasad Maurya were sworn in as Deputy CMs in the Yogi Adityanath cabinet. On the other hand, the BJP MLA from Mathura as well as Energy Minister in the first term, Shrikant Sharma, also did not find a place in the Yogi Cabinet. Sharma had defeated Congress' Pradeep Mathur by a massive margin of 1,09,803 votes in the recently concluded Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2022. In addition, Satish Mahana who previously served as Infrastructure and Industrial Development minister in Uttar Pradesh has also been dropped from the new Cabinet in the state. Siddharth Nath Singh, former Investment, MSME and Export minister of Uttar Pradesh, has also been dropped from the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet. Both Shrikant Sharma and Siddharth Nath Singh were the BJP national secretaries before they were fielded in the 2017 Assembly polls by the party. The BJP won 255 seats in Uttar Pradesh with its allies in the state in the recently held Assembly elections. The Chief Minister is expected to carry the momentum of the party's electoral victory to fulfill the poll promises and give a further push for the development of the state in his second term. (ANI)