The Punjab Chief Ministerial face of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Bhagwant Mann on Sunday said that the party supremo Arvind Kejriwal is visiting Amritsar today to take part in a roadshow to express gratitude to the people for giving the popular mandate with two-third majority in the state in the recently concluded Assembly elections.
Speaking to the reporters before leaving for Amritsar, Mann said, "We will take the blessings of Guru Sahib to fulfil the promises we made to the people of Punjab. Our national convenor Arvind Kejriwal is coming to Amritsar (for roadshow) today to thank the people." Mann and Kejriwal will hold a roadshow in Amritsar over the party's victory in the Assembly polls. Mann met Governor Banwarilal Purohit at Raj Bhavan in Chandigarh on Saturday to stake claims to form the government in Punjab. The AAP registered a landslide victory in the Punjab polls, winning 92 seats while Congress won 18 seats in the 117-member Assembly in the state. The BJP won two and Shiromani Akali Dali three seats. (ANI)