Union Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Choudhary on Wednesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has continuously increased the budget for agriculture, which is now Rs 1.32 lakh crore compared to Rs 23,000 crore seven years ago.
"More than half of the current budget is being given directly in the bank accounts of farmers in the form of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi, showing that the government is sensitive towards farmers' needs," he said after inaugurating the Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2022, with the main theme of 'Self-reliant Farmer with Technical Knowledge'. Appreciating the efforts being made by the Pusa Institute for the welfare of farmers, the Minister called upon the farmers to take maximum advantage of new technologies and scientific innovations made available through various sources. "From seeds to the market, the government is providing all kinds of facilities to the farmers. Indian agriculture is progressing due to the hard work of farmers and research of scientists. Enthusiasm towards agriculture is being awakened among the youth," he said. The three-day Krishi Mela is being organized by the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). Choudhary said that the government has not only implemented MSP by increasing the rate on more crops but has also increased the procurement. "Ten thousand new FPOs are being built in the country at an expense of Rs 6,865 crore. "Facilities are being mobilized in villages from the Agriculture Infra Fund of worth Rs one lakh crore. Due to the hard work of the farmers and the efforts of the government, there has been a record increase in the production of food grains including pulses," he added. The major attractions of the fair are smart/digital agriculture, agri startups and farmers producer organisations (FPO), organic and natural farming, protected farming/hydroponic/aeroponic/vertical farming. It will showcase new varieties developed by the institute along with other innovative technologies of IARI, such as the solar powered Pusa-Farm Sun Fridge, Pusa Decomposer, Pusa Complete Bio-Fertilizer (unique liquid formulation providing nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium). Indian Council of Agricultural Research Director General Trilochan Mohapatra, Deputy Director General, Agriculture Extension, A.K. Singh, Deputy Director General, Crop Science, T.R. Sharma and APEDA Chairman, M. Angamuthu were present on the occasion. --IANS niv/vd ( 376 Words) 2022-03-09-21:24:02 (IANS)