The Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Police to file a status report on the plea moved by the victims and prosecution witnesses in the Sagar Dhankar murder case. The petitioners have sought the transfer of the trial of the case pertaining to the alleged murder of former junior national wrestling champion Sagar Dhankhar from Rohini Court to another court.
Justice Mukta Gupta directed the DCP concerned to file a status report on the petition. The matter is listed for hearing on 25 April 2022. The victims and prosecution witnesses had moved to court in November 2021. The Court observed in a recent order that an additional affidavit was filed by the petitioners indicating as to why they are seeking transfer of the trial from Rohini District Court. The bench said that this Court finds that the only reason that the petitioners feel more vulnerable near the Rohini Court is due to Chhatrasal Stadium being nearby. The petition moved sought direction for transfer of trial to another district court due to security reasons, conducting the trial through video conferencing preferably on the day to day basis in a time-bound manner. This case pertains to the alleged murder of Junior wrestler Sagar Dhankar. He was brutally beaten allegedly by wrestler Sushil Kumar and other accused persons on the intervening night of 4 and 5 May 2021. (ANI)