Bahujan Samaj Party national spokesperson Sudhindra Bhadoria on Thursday expressed disagreement with the controversial 'Hindu Nationalism' statement made by former Vice-President Hamid Ansari and said that the people of India believe in 'Sarvadharma Sambhav'.
Ansari had reportedly said at an event that there is an atmosphere of "intolerance and insecurity in the country", to which Bhadoria added that he should read history. Speaking with ANI, Bhadoria, "Some individuals or groups do not represent the whole country; Hamid Ansari should clarify what he wants to say by saying such a thing near crucial assembly elections." The BSP spokesperson further said that "for a person who has held such an important Constitutional post as the country's Vice President, Ansari should also read the history of the nation and see that the people here believe in the idea of 'Sarvadharma Sambhav' since thousands of years." "The religion of Buddhism, which was preached by Mahatma Buddha, has spread all over the world and people also believe in him. People believe in all the new religions that have come," Bhadoria added. Former Vice President Hamid Ansari, while addressing the Indian American Muslim Council program, had reportedly said, "Hindu nationalism is a matter of concern. People are being divided on religious lines in the country. Controversy is being created among the people regarding nationality." "Especially people of a particular religion are being instigated. Intolerance is being fueled and an atmosphere of insecurity is being created in the country," he added. (ANI)