Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday took a jibe on Samajwadi Party (SP) and said that Akhilesh Yadav-led party used to rule over three P's which stands for - Parivaarwaad (Nepotism), Pakshpaat (Partiality) and Palayan (Migration).
Addressing a public rally in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao, Shah said, "You have two options -- BJP which works for the development of every section of the society and BSP-SP of 'Bua-Babua'." "When SP came, one caste progressed, when the BSP came, the other caste would progress. BJP works on the principle of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas," the Union Minister said. "The Samajwadi Party used to run on the basis of three P's- Parivaarwaad (Nepotism), Pakshpaat (Partiality) and Palayan (Migration). But BJP works on the basis of three V's - Vikas (Development), Vayapaar (Business) and Sanskritic Virsaat (Cultural heritage)," he said. He further reiterated that no political party can stop the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. "SP opened fire on the people who joined the Rath Yatra when Advani Ji took out the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. Akhilesh babu, no matter how hard you try, I tell you that in a few months, a grand temple of Lord Shri Ram will be built," he added. Shah is addressing rallies in the state as part of BJP's campaign for assembly polls. (ANI)