Stating that sports provide inspiration to adopt a healthy and positive attitude, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the 'Khelo India'initiative seven and a half years back to channelize the energy of the youth towards sports.
His remarks at came at the closing ceremony of the 3rd All India Prize Money Men's Kabaddi Tournament final. "Sports inspire us to adopt a healthy AND positive attitude. 7 and half years back PM Modi promoted 'Khelo India' to channelize energy of Indian youth," said Adityanath. He further said, "The results of Khelo India showed within 5-6 years. For the first time India sent its largest contingent to Olympics & Paralympic Games in spite of COVID-19." For the first time, India won the most number of medals in both Olympics and Paralympic Games," he added. (ANI)