The Bombay High Court on Thursday took on record additional documents submitted by Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik, and Dnyandev Wankhede -- the father of Narcotics Control Bureau Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede, in a defamation suit filed by the latter.
Justice M. Jamdar said that he would pass the order on the interim plea by Wankhede -- to restrain Malik from making any defamatory statements against the family till the disposal of his Rs 1.25 crore defamation suit -- on November 22 (Monday). In a series of exposes in the past over six weeks, Malik has accused Sameer Wankhede of allegedly submitting a fake caste certificate to get a UPSC job in the IRS cadre under a reserved category. Even as the Wankhedes denied the allegations, Malik revealed the purported school leaving certificates which shows the name of Sameer Dawood Wankhede and his religion as Muslim. However, his wife Kranti Redkar-Wankhede countered the same by posting a set of purported SLCs with "corrections" that were made, but after a gap of three years. Wankhede's lawyer Arshad Shaikh has submitted 28 documents on record to the court including caste certificate of 1974, passport and SLCs to show that his father's name was 'Dnyandev' and he belongs to the Mahar community. Malik has challenged the NCB officer's claims and demanded a probe by the Maharashtra and Mumbai Police, besides the caste verification authority to unravel the truth. --IANS qn/pgh ( 249 Words) 2021-11-18-19:40:05 (IANS)