Actor Ahan Shetty is enjoying some downtime with his furry companion in Lonavala, taking a break to unwind and relax.
On Friday, the actor shared a couple of pictures on Instagram and wrote, "Always by my side." The actor, known for his debut role in 'Tadap', can be seen flaunting his muscular physique and enjoying pool time in Lonavala with his dog. His father and veteran actor Suniel Shetty reacted to the post and dropped a black heart emoji in the comment section. Netizens also bombarded the comment with heart emojis. Born in 1996, Ahan Shetty made his Bollywood debut in 2021 with the romantic thriller 'Tadap', directed by Milan Luthria. The film, a Hindi remake of the Telugu hit 'RX 100', starred Ahan alongside Tara Sutaria. Recently, Ahan has also been in the spotlight for joining the highly anticipated sequel 'Border 2'. His father, Suniel Shetty, who starred in the original 'Border' (1997), played a pivotal role as a Border Security Force officer. Ahan's casting in 'Border 2' has sparked excitement, with veteran actor Sunny Deol welcoming him aboard on social media."Welcoming Fauji @ahan.shetty to the Battalion of #Border2," Deol posted, sharing a teaser that has further fueled the enthusiasm of fans. The 'Border' franchise, directed by JP Dutta, is known for its portrayal of the India-Pakistan war, and Ahan's entry into the sequel marks a significant moment in the legacy of the film. The announcement video captures a powerful transition, showing a montage of Suniel Shetty's iconic moments from Border, followed by Ahan's voiceover, symbolizing the passing of the baton from father to son. In addition to 'Border 2', Ahan Shetty is set to appear in the action-packed film 'Sanki', produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. The movie, which will also star Pooja Hegde, promises to be a high-octane thriller with international action sequences choreographed by renowned designer Kecha Khamphakdee. 'Sanki' is written by Rajat Aroraa and directed by debut filmmakers Adnan A. Shaikh and Yasir Jah. The film is scheduled for release on February 14, 2025, coinciding with Valentine's Day. (ANI)