Karnataka Film Academy President Sadhu Kokila and Senior IPS Officer Hemant M. Nimbalkar, Commissioner of Information and Public Relations, on Friday, met the Governor of Karnataka, Thaawarchand Gehlot, at Raj Bhavan, and invited him to the closing ceremony of the 16th Bengaluru International Film Festival (BIFFes).
The 16th edition of BIFFes will be held from March 1 to 8 in Bengaluru, with the theme "Sarva Janangada Shantiya Thota." https://www.instagram.com/p/DFfkUUWBASK/?hl=en Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will inaugurate the festival on March 1. The upcoming festival will reportedly feature 14 sections, three of which will be a competition category -- Asian, Indian and Kannada. Other sections include contemporary world cinema, FIPRESCI Critics Week, bio-pics, Kannada popular cinema, and films from little-known languages. The festival will also host various academic events such as seminars, workshops, and masterclasses, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of filmmaking practitioners, audiences, and students. Through these academic initiatives, BIFFes seeks to promote a deeper understanding of film art, medium, market trends, and historical milestones in contemporary filmmaking. The organisers through BIFFes have encouraged filmmakers, the film fraternity, critics, film buffs, students, and film distribution agencies to participate in the 16th Bengaluru International Film Festival. (ANI)