Bollywood actor Ananya Panday's latest Instagram story is dedicated to her grandmother.
Ananya shared a picture of her wearing her dadi's payal. "Found my dadi's payal," she captioned the post. Ananya Panday will be next seen in the upcoming romantic drama 'Chand Mera Dil', in which she stars alongside Lakshya. Directed by Vivek Soni, the film is scheduled for release in 2025. Earlier, taking to social media, Karan Johar shared the posters of the film and announced that it will hit the theatres in 2025."We have two chands ready to bring an intense & passionate love story like no other!!! Pyaar mein thoda paagal hona hi padta hai...Chand Mera Dil, starring Ananya Panday & Lakshya. Directed by Vivek Soni. Coming to cinemas in 2025," his post read. In her most recent Netflix project, 'CTRL', Ananya portrayed Nella Awasthi, an influencer who turns to Artificial Intelligence (AI) after a difficult breakup. Speaking to ANI in a recent interview, Ananya's mother, Bhavana Pandey, expressed her pride in her daughter's journey. Reflecting on Ananya's hard work and the challenges she overcame in her career, Bhavana said, "I'm very grateful. I know she's worked hard and everyone does. She's worked hard. But the idea is to put your head down and work hard and take the important, necessary criticism in your stride and work even harder. And the rest is noise." (ANI)