Mumbai police said that the death of actor-model Malaika Arora's father Anil Mehta "prima facie," looks like a suicide and all angles in the case are being investigated.
DCP Crime Branch, Raj Tilak Roshan informed the media that body of the deceased has been sent for post-mortem. He added that the teams of police and forensic are carrying out the investigation. "Body of one Anil Mehta (62) was found. He resided on the 6th floor. We are carrying out further investigation and our team is here. We are investigating all angles in detail. Our teams are here, forensic teams are here as well. Body is being taken for postmortem. We are investigating everything in detail. Prima facie it seems to be suicide, we are conducting further investigation." Malaika Arora was not at home when her father passed away. The actor-model was reportedly in Pune, and rushed back to Mumbai, soon after learning about the incident. After receiving this shocking news, the actor's ex-husband Arbaaz Khan also reached the residence of Malaika's parents. Several police officials are present on the spot. More details are awaited in the matter. (ANI)