Star shooter Manu Bhaker gave a shout-out to actor Kartik Aaryan for his inspiring performance in 'Chandu Champion', the story of India's first-ever Paralympics gold medallist, Murlikant Petkar."
In her Instagram story, Manu posted, "Finally the Olympics have ended and I saw #ChanduChampion as soon as I got home and this film turned out much more relatable than I thought. The prep, struggles, failure but never giving up.. Hats off to @kartikaaryan for playing this role so effortlessly. Being an athlete myself, I know it's not easy... Especially the prep sequence.. You deserve a medal for this !!" In response, Kartik reposted Manu's story on his own Instagram, expressing his gratitude with a heartfelt message. "Wow !!! Thank you @bhakermanu These are the moments I will always cherish, when a real Champion like you showers praise on our labour of love! #ChanduChampion Love and respect for making every Indian proud," he wrote. Recently, at Paris Olympics 2024, Manu in the women's 10m air pistol event won a bronze medal, becoming the first Indian woman shooter to win a medal in this event. Alongside Sarabjot Singh, Manu secured her second bronze and India's first-ever medal in the mixed team 10m air pistol event. (ANI)