Actor Sonu Sood recently shared behind-the-scenes (BTS) pictures from the sets of his upcoming film 'Fateh.'
The actor on Saturday took to his Instagram account to post a picture with veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah. The pictures posted on Sood's social media, feature the veteran actor during a script-reading session. In his caption, Sood expressed his admiration for Shah, as he wrote, Welcome on board Naseer sir Directing someone I have admired all my life was so special. You will be proud of FATEH sir @naseeruddin49 @jacquelienefernandez @zeestudiosofficial @jyot10 @shaktisagarprod @ajaydhama7 It was previously reported that Shah would play a hacker in this cybercrime thriller, a crucial role that drives the film's narrative. Sood had earlier confirmed Shah's involvement in the film, describing his role as 'phenomenal.' 'Fateh' which marks Sood's directorial debut is based on real-life instances of cybercrime experienced by people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the prominent names in Hollywood including the director of photography, research team, and action choreographers have been roped in for this film. The film also stars Jacqueline Fernandez in the lead role. 'Fateh' is all set to hit the screens this year. With Fateh, Sonu is making his directorial debut. It is produced by Zee Studios and Shakti Sagar Productions. (ANI)