Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan always makes heads turn with her fashion game whether it's at the airport or any B-Town party. Whatever she wears, she does with grace and refinement. On Wednesday morning, the actor dished out major summer fashion goals at the Mumbai airport.
Serving airport-style goals, Kareena amped up her summer fashion game. In the videos captured by Mumbai-based paps, Kareena can be seen making her way towards the airport entrance. The actor looked effortlessly glam as she wore a white T-shirt paired with a striped shirt and wide-leg denim pants. To ace her look, Kareena carried a no-makeup with a messy bun and a pair of shades. Whether it is denim-on-denim, co-ord set, or traditional attire, Kareena surely knows how to slay it with elegance and charm. On the work front, Kareena is currently basking in the success of 'Crew', in which she shared screen space with Kriti Sanon and Tabu. Helmed by Rajesh A Krishnan, 'Crew' revolves around the journey of three working women set against the backdrop of the aviation industry. The film also stars Diljit Dosanjh, Kapil Sharma, Saswata Chatterjee, Rajesh Sharma and Kulbhushan Kharbanda. In the coming months, she will be seen headlining Hansal Mehta's 'The Buckingham Murders'. She also has Rohit Shetty's 'Singham Again' in her kitty. 'Singham Again' also stars Ajay Devgn, Arjun Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, and Ranveer Singh in the lead roles. 'Singham Again' is the third instalment of the super-hit franchise. 'Singham' was released in 2011, starring Kajal Aggarwal and Prakash Raj in lead roles, followed by 'Singham Returns' in 2014. Both projects were declared box office hits. 'Singham Again' is scheduled to have a theatrical release in August 2024, coinciding with Independence Day. (ANI)