Actor Teja Sajja, who is basking on the success of his superhero film 'Hanu-Man', is all set all set play an 'Super Yodha' in his next titled 'Mirai'. Makers of the film on Thursday shared the glimpse along with title announcement.
The makers of PMF 36 shared a poster on the official handle X and captioned it, "From the hush of ancient narratives Comes a thrilling adventurous saga of a #SuperYodha #PMF36 x #TejaSajja6 Titled as #MIRAI #MIRAITitleGlimpse out now -- In Cinemas on 18th APRIL 2025 ~ 2D & 3D." The movie is titled 'Mirai' which means Future. The first look poster sees Teja Sajja in a Super Yodha look with a stick in his hand, standing on top of an erupting volcano. He looks extremely fierce. In the background, we can observe an eclipse. The glimpse is intended to portray the backstory of the movie. It is based on King Ashoka and his secret 9. Kalinga War remains a bad mark in history for Ashoka. The divine mystery was revealed in that repentance. That is the vast knowledge of 9 scriptures that make man divine. 9 warriors are recruited to protect them for generations. An eclipse approaches such knowledge. Then takes a birth that stops the eclipse. It is an inevitable great battle for generations. Teja Sajja is introduced as a Super Yodha who is there to stop the eclipse from reaching the Secret 9 of Ashoka. He excels in Karra Samu (stick fight), and other forms of fights. Teja Sajja also shared the poster on his X and wrote, "My next Friday is going to be a "Good Friday". Karthik Gattamneni penned the screenplay, alongside Manibabu Karanam who also wrote dialogues. Sri Nagendra Tangala is the art director of the movie, whereas Vivek Kuchibhotla is the co-producer. Krithi Prasad is the Creative Producer, whereas Sujith Kumar Kolli is the Executive Producer. Apart from Teja Sajja, the film also stars Ritika Nayak who was recently seen in Hi Nanna. 'Mirai' will be release in multi-languages- Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, and Chinese languages on April 18, 2025. (ANI)