Actor Bobby Deol never disappoints his fans with his style game.
On Sunday morning, the 'Animal' star was spotted at the Mumbai airport. He was captured by the shutterbugs as he made his way to the airport. Bobby was all smiles. He looked stylish in a black hooded tracksuit that he paired with white sneakers. He tied his hair in a tiny ponytail. His pictures from the airport surfaced online, garnering netizens' likes and comments. "Lord Bobby is super stylish," a social media user commented. "Bobby Deol rocks," another one wrote. Meanwhile, on the work front, Bobby Deol has been on a roll ever since he was featured as an antagonist in Ranbir Kapoor-starrer 'Animal'. In the coming months, he will be seen in several projects including Alia Bhatt's spy film. As per the sources, he will be seen playing a villain in the upcoming untitled film starring Alia Bhatt and Sharvari."Bobby Deol's inclusion to the YRF Spy Universe is an incredible casting coup by Aditya Chopra! Bobby will become a cold-blooded, menacing villain set to destroy Alia Bhatt and Sharvari in this action spectacle that will blow the minds of audiences," informed a trade source.Alia portrays a female agent in the film, which is helmed by YRF's indigenous director Shiv Rawail. This film also stars Sharvari, who is teamed with Alia as a super agent on a mission. He will also be seen locking horns with Suriya in 'Kanguva'. Recently, the two attended Prime Video's event in Mumbai and spoke highly of each other.Bobby said, "Working with Suriya has always been a dream...He is awesome. He is an amazing actor." Suriya also shared how Bobby added more power to the film with his acting chops." In the film, we fought but brotherhood was very much between us. He helped us make the film's climax bigger and bigger," Suriya said. The official synopsis of the Tamil film read, "A story that travels 500 years from the 1700s to 2023 is about a hero who has to fulfill a mission left unfinished. Siruthai Siva has directed the film. Disha Patani, Natarajan Subramaniam, Jagapathi Babu and Yogi Babu are also part of 'Kanguva'. (ANI)