Aamir Khan's daughter, Ira Khan, who recently tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Nupur Shikhare on January 3, revealed a special detail about their wedding cake. She shared that her mother, Reena Dutta, baked the cake for their Udaipur ceremony.
Ira, on Thursday, took to her Instagram to share pictures from her Udaipur wedding in January. The photos captured her mother, Reena Dutta, and other loved ones baking the wedding cake at the Taj Aravali Resort & Spa, Udaipur. The post ended with a picture of the finished cake at the ceremony. In the caption, Ira shared a funny moment from the wedding, remembering her mother's question about the cake. She wrote, "The OG crew + Cherise. No one else could have baked our wedding cake. As Popeye was feeding me or after (can't remember), I look at Mama and she's mouthing at me, 'Is it dry?" https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EAuWoNofC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Ira married her long-time boyfriend Nupur in a traditional Christian wedding in Udaipur, Rajasthan, after solemnizing their relationship via a registered marriage at Taj Lands End, Bandra in Mumbai on January 3. Several B-town celebs including legendary actor Dharmendra to former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, Salman Khan, and Shah Rukh Khan marked their starry presence at the wedding reception. Veteran actor Jaya Bachchan arrived at the function with her daughter Shweta Bachchan. Veteran actors Rekha and Saira Banu also came to bless the newlyweds. Speaking of the hosts, Aamir Khan and his family members were all dressed to the nines. Ira's cousin and actor Imran Khan also marked his presence at the function. However, Aamir's ex-wife Kiran Rao was not present. Reportedly, Nupur and Ira met during the COVID-19 lockdown when Nupur was training Aamir Khan and Ira was living with her father. The duo had an engagement party in November last year. (ANI)