Bollywood diva Madhuri Dixit walked the ramp for ace couturier Ranna Gill. Clad in a stunning pantsuit, she grabbed the eyeballs as the actor turned showstopper for Gill at Day 5 of Lakme Fashion Week x FDCI 2024 held in Mumbai.
Madhuri, who is loved by her fans for her gorgeous looks and amazing style statement, just stole the show with her sparkling pantsuit with floral detailing. The beautiful actress grooved to live music played by the musician on saxophone. While talking about the collection, the designer said, "The collection is called Urban Prairie. It's an urban lady who lives a busy urban life but has her head stuck in a prairie. So, here's Madhuri Dixit our urban prairie." Praising the collection and outfit, Madhuri shared, "This is a gorgeous pantsuit. We all are very urban ladies and we live in the cities It is very wearable and makes me feel comfortable and it is so light and beautiful. I love pantsuits. It is very modern and elegant and timeless." The collection includes silhouettes such as pantsuits, skirts, jumpsuits, and evening dresses. The colour scheme for the collection comprised white, glacier blue, taupe, sea breeze, and gold on crepe, satin, sequins and lurex fabrics. The official page of Lakme Fashion Week also posted about the collection while giving the details, "@madhuridixitnene for Ranna Gill on day 5...Step into the realm of Urban Prairie, the contemporary showcase from Ranna Gill that breathes life into the juxtaposition of city chic and natural charm. Delight in the fusion of contemporary style with the untamed spirit of the prairie. A symphony of timeless style & nature's hues gracefully intertwines glamourous evenings, creating a mesmerising tapestry where the echoes of the beauty of historic splendours harmonise with urban silhouettes. @rannagill @lakmeindia @fdciofficial @nexaexperience @reliancebrandsltd @r1seworldwide..#UltimateFaceDefinition #LakmeFashionWeekxFDCI #LFWxFDCI #LakmeFashionWeek #LFW #FDCI" Meanwhile, on the work front, Madhuri was seen in the Marathi film 'Panchak'. Addinath Kothare, Dilip Prabhavalkar, Bharti Achrekar, and others star in 'Panchak'. The film's core subject is around Addinath's character's quest to seek a common platform amidst turmoil, challenging old ideas, and offering a novel viewpoint to the plot. She was also seen in 'Maja Ma'. Helmed by Anand Tiwari and written by Sumit Batheja, the film was a family entertainer, set against the celebratory backdrop of a traditional festival and a quintessential, colourful Indian wedding. (ANI)