Veteran actor Anupam Kher on Thursday unveiled the teaser of 'Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan'. The first live-action adaptation of the animated show 'Chhota Bheem' is directed by Rajiv Chilaka and produced by Rajiv Chilaka and Megha Chilaka. It is written by Niraj Vikram and co-produced by Srinivas Chilakalapudi along with Bharath Laxmipati. Sharing the teaser of the project, Kher on Instagram wrote, "#ChhotaBheem ab Bade Pardhe pe! Join Bheem and his fearless gang as they face off against Damyaan to protect Dholakpur." 'Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan' will be released in cinemas on May 24. The film also stars Makrand Deshpande and Yagya Bhasin. The announcement of the film titled 'Chhota Bheem And The Curse of Damyaan' was made in Mumbai last year on the occasion of celebrating 15 incredible years of the much-loved animation series. Anupam Kher will be seen playing the role of Guru Shambhu, while Makarand Deshpande as Skandhi. The central character, Chhota Bheem, is brought to life by the talented Yagya Bhasin, and Aashriya Mishra shines as Chutki. Surabhi Tiwari of Shagun fame will be seen as Tuntun Mausi. Talking about the film, Rajiv Chilaka, the producer, director earlier said, "Chhota Bheem is one of the most beloved characters in the world of animation. It was high time we brought him to life, and I am certain that children and the whole family everywhere will adore it. Our cast has done remarkable work on this film, and I can hardly wait to share it with you all." (ANI)