Ananya Panday danced to Shah Rukh Khan's songs in a cute childhood video, while dropping hints about a 'secret audition for Farah Khan.'
The actress, on Sunday, shared a heartwarming video on her Instagram account. The childhood video features a precious family moment of Ananya with her dad Chunky Panday, mom Bhavana Pandey, and sister Rysa Panday, all gathered on the bed. As a caring dad behind the camera, Chunky affectionately introduced Ananya as Bobo and her sister, Rysa as Tobo. Bhavana played the role of the Q&A session, and the young actress from Dream Girl 2 effortlessly answered the questions. As a little kid, Ananya then sang popular tracks from Shah Rukh Khan and Farah Khan's collaboration, including the title track of Main Hoon Na, Tumse Milke Dil Ka, and It's The Time To Disco. The video not only captures the actress singing these songs but also shows her dancing in front of a dressing mirror, flawlessly nailing the disco song's hook step. When asked by her mother about her future aspirations, the actress from 'Kho Gaye Hum Khahan' expressed her desire to become a teacher for Hindi and English subjects. Ananya captioned the post, "Low key a trailer of my life (followed by a laughter emoji) (also a secret audition for @farahkhankunder (followed by shushing face emoji)." Have a look at the video: As soon as the actress posted the nostalgic video, fans and others rushed to the comment section to share their delightful responses. Arjun Kapoor wrote, "Glad to know u didn't pursue the singing path," while Farah Khan wrote, "U have been selected." On the work front, Ananya Panday, who was last seen in 'Kho Gaye Hum Kahan' with Adarsh Gourav and Siddhant Chaturvedi, is gearing up for her next projects - 'Control' and 'The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair.' She is also set to appear in the upcoming show 'Call Me Bae.' (ANI)