Actor Kartik Aaryan has commenced the shooting for his upcoming horror comedy film 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3'.
On Saturday night, the actor took to Instagram and shared a glimpse from the first-day shoot of 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3.' The 'Shehzaada' actor shared a monochrome snap of the film's clapboard that he captioned, "Here we go." He also added the title track of 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2' in the background. Helmed by Anees Bazmee, the third part of the hit franchise also stars Vidya Balan and Triptii Dimri in the lead roles and is all set to hit the theatres on the occasion of Diwali 2024. Bazmee also directed the second part and will direct the third part as well. The first part was helmed by Priyadarshan and featured Akshay Kumar alongside Vidya. In the second part, Kartik shared screen space with Tabu and Kiara Advani. On expanding the franchise, producer Bhushan Kumar said, "The 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa' franchise holds a special place in our hearts, and I'm very happy to be taking it forward with a creative mind like Anees and an incredible talent like Kartik. Together, we are set to deliver a cinematic experience that will both honor the legacy of the franchise and bring double the laughter and thrill for the audience." Apart from this, Kartik recently wrapped up shooting for his upcoming film 'Chandu Champion'. Helmed by Kabir Khan, 'Chandu Champion' is based on the extraordinary real-life story of a sportsman and his spirit of never giving up. Kartik will portray the character of Chandu. 'Chandu Champion' marks Kartik's first collaboration with director Kabir Khan. He will also be seen in director Anurag Basu's next 'Aashiqui 3'. (ANI)