Actor Darasing Khurana has been invited to attend the Commonwealth Day reception at Buckingham Palace in the presence of the royal family. Excited about it, Darasing in a statement provided by his team said, "With the limited time that I'll have with the members of Royal Family and Secretary-General, I certainly want to discuss the topic of top priority on my agenda which is mental health and how one of the root causes of it is the overuse of electronics and social media. I would be presenting a step-by-step plan on how we could make sure to tackle this."
"After all, only when you are mentally fit and at peace, will you be able to think about how to save the world," Darasing, who was recently appointed as Commonwealth Year Of Youth Champion, shared. King Charles will miss the engagements as he continues to undergo treatment for cancer.The palace said that a pre-recorded message from the monarch, who has postponed public-facing duties while receiving cancer treatment, will play during the service, People reported. The event will celebrate the global network of 56 countries with the 2024 theme "One Resilient Common Future: Transforming our Commonwealth." Queen Camilla and Prince William will both attend the event. Unlike last year, Kate Middleton won't be part of the contingent. The Princess of Wales, 42, continues her private recovery following abdominal surgery in January, and Kensington Palace has said she was "unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter." (ANI)