Makers of the upcoming action thriller film 'Yodha' starring Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani on Thursday unveiled its second track 'Tere Sang Ishq Hua.'
Taking to Instagram, producer Karan Johar shared a glimpse of the song that he captioned, "Keeping it all heart when our Yodha falls in love, with #TereSangIshqHua! Song out now! #Yodha in cinemas March 15." Sung by Arijit Singh and Neeti Mohan, the romantic track is composed by Tanishk Bagchi and penned by Kunaal Vermaa. The track showcases the romantic chemistry between the lead actors of the film Sidharth and Raashii. Recently, the makers of 'Yodha' unveiled the film's official teaser which received a warm response from the fans. Directed by the debutant duo of Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, the high-octane action thriller film follows Arun Katyal, the commanding officer of an elite unit, Yodha Task Force, on a thrilling rescue operation. The trailer features Sidharth, following his father's legacy of being an officer, performing high-octane action stunts and channelling inner SRK as he delivers a dialogue in King Khan's signature pose saying, "Waise bhi aise bade bade missions mein..choti moti galtiyan hoti rehti hai senorita." The film is produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Shashank Khaitan. Talking about the film, Karan Johar earlier said the goal was to bring out the film's essence through a series of trend-setting events. "Steering clear of the conventional approach, we strived to infuse innovative ideas into Yodha's promotional campaign. Our goal was to bring out the film's larger-than-life essence through a series of trend-setting events and interactive experiences, and engross the audience in its world even before they set foot in the cinema halls. It was truly a surreal experience to unveil the trailer mid-flight on an aircraft and watch it through the lens of members of the media. The spark in their eyes spoke volumes about the impact it had on them. I personally interacted with some of them, and their reactions - not just to the trailer but also to the in-flight launch - were nothing short of exhilarating," he said, according to 'Yodha' PR team. Sidharth Malhotra said, "I want to begin by thanking all of you for the immense amount of love you have shown to the teaser and to me. Agar teaser itna dhamakedar tha toh trailer toh aur dhamakedar banana hi tha. So, Dharma productions took to the skies once again for a one-of-a-kind, in-flight trailer launch, which really sets the tone for all the thrills and chills the audience can expect while watching the film. I've given my blood and sweat to make this fast pace action film. Can't wait for all of you to see it in theatres on 15th of March." (ANI)