Actor Nora Fatehi is all set to come up with a new avatar in Kunal Kemmu's directorial debut 'Madgaon Express'. She got candid about her working experience in the film.
Kunal has donned a director's hat with the film 'Madgaon Express', which stars Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, and Avinash Tiwary. In an interview with ANI, Nora opened up about working with Kunal and other star cast in the film. "I had a lot of fun. Our off-set chemistry was really good. I learnt so much from Kunal and Divyenndu. They are extremely talented. Also, Kunal is a smart director. He knows what to do and what not to do. His vision is very clear. And Divyenndu is so funny. I just love working with him. I enjoy working with him." She added, "I learned a lot, especially on the set because all three actors are so good. They are experienced actors. So, first I thought, no, I'm scared of course because I'm new. And Divyenndu, Pratik, and Avinash, come with a certain experience. And also, whatever they have done so far, Mirzapur, Scam, everyone liked it a lot. They get good critically acclaimed. I have not gotten any of that yet." On Tuesday, Kunal unveiled the film's trailer, which showcases three young boys, who dream about vacationing in Goa. Their dream, however, comes true but only to turn into a nightmare as the three friends, all grown up now, embark on a train journey via Madgaon Express to reach their destination Goa. Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye and Chhaya Kadam are also a part of the comedy-drama. In August 2022, Kunal announced his directorial debut via Instagram post."Ganpati Bappa Moriya! As all good things begin with his name I can't think of a better day to share this with all of you. It started with a thought in my head, which grew into a dream which flowed out through my fingers into words on my laptop, and now it is becoming a reality on its way to the silver screen. A big thank you to @ritesh_sid @faroutakhtar and @roo_cha at @excelmovies for believing in my script and my vision and partnering with me on this exciting journey in the world of cinema. With folded hands and a bowed head I seek all of your blessings and the blessings of Ganpati Bappa. Introducing Madgaon Express," his post read. 'Madgaon Express' will be released on March 22. It is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar. Meanwhile, Nora is currently enjoying fans' positive response to her performance in the recently released action thriller film 'Crakk-Jeetega to Jiyegaa'. (ANI)