The grand pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are going on in full swing in Jamnagar, Gujarat. The Bollywood celebrities gathered together at the event and several pictures and videos went viral on social media. Recently, actor Katrina Kaif dropped a picture with her husband and actor Vicky Kaushal from the event.
The ''Tiger 3'' actor shared an adorable moment with Vicky on Instagram. Katrina looked beautiful in a floral maxi dress while Vicky wore a beige and brown casual. Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani''s youngest son, Anant Ambani, is set to tie the knot with industrialist Viren Merchant''s daughter, Radhika Merchant, later this year. The three-day pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant began on Friday in Jamnagar. Jamnagar is currently buzzing with guests from around the world who have gathered to partake in the pre-wedding celebrations of Mukesh Ambani''s youngest son, Anant. From Bollywood celebs like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor to famous sports personalities like MS Dhoni, Rohit Sharma, Sachin Tendulkar, who''s who from different fields arrived to attend the three-day lavish celebrations. (ANI)