On the occasion of filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's birthday, actresses Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari and Richa Chadha extend special wishes to him by sharing special BTS images from his show 'Heeramandi'. Taking to Instagram, Sonakshi uploaded a picture with Bhansali where she seems to be planning for a shot in front of the mirror. "Chamakte aap ho, chamkaate humein ho... happy birthday to the Asli heera of Heeramandi, Sanjay sir (You shine and make me shine... to the real diamond of Heeramandi). Love and Respect always, From your AsliSona," she captioned the post.
https://www.instagram.com/p/C3uMeGqx094/?hl=en Aditi Rao Hydari penned a heartfelt note. "Happy birthday my dearestest sanjay sir. Thank you for the unending inspiration, Thank you for your genius mind, your heart full of love ,, for never ever allowing us to give up! Thank you for your fierce passion, for being the most amazing teacher, the endless beauty, the detail, the laughter, the music, the dancing , the yummiest ghar Ka nashta (home-cooked food) which is like an Akshay patram. And most most importantly thank you for your love , and the belief. Thank you for being you sanjay sir. May you always be surrounded by all that you love and all the people who love you. Love you sir," she wrote. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3t4cvEtRtg/?hl=en&img_index=1 Richa Chadha also expressed her gratitude to Bhansali. She also shared a throwback selfie with him back from the days when they were promoting Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram Leela. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3uRJwFNlhx/?hl=en&img_index=1 "I can describe my life as an actor by dividing my career into two parts... pre-SLB and post SLB! What can I even say about you ? We know how we feel. We know the point where our ideas meet mid-air and give birth to magic... no words are uttered, the set looks on... but a gaze is exchanged and a new character is born each time, a character that will outlive both you and me... and that is your love-soaked, moist-eyed gift to the world. I love you," she posted. Sanjay Leela Bhansali is all set to make his OTT debut with 'Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar'.The series is set in the midst of multiple power struggles in Heeramandi, Lahore (now part of Pakistan) and more generally in undivided, pre-independence India, where anti-colonial freedom movements were emerging. Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh and Sharmin Segal formed an ensemble cast of 'Heeramandi' world. 'Heeramandi' has been Bhansali's one of the most important projects. Talking about it, Bhansali earlier said, "This is an epic, first-of-its-kind series based on the courtesans of Lahore. It is an ambitious, grand and all-encompassing series; therefore I am nervous yet excited about making it. I am looking forward to my partnership with Netflix and bringing Heeramandi to audiences all over the world." The makers described the show as "a mix of love, betrayal, succession, and politics in the kothas (house of courtesans)." 'Heeramandi' will be out on OTT this year. (ANI)