The Bombay High Court on Thursday asked Netflix to arrange a special screening of the docu-series titled 'The Indrani Mukerjea Story: The Buried Truth' for CBI officers and lawyers before releasing it on the OTT platform.
The four-episode docuseries series was scheduled to be released on February 23 and the court said that after the special screening, the case will be heard again on February 29. The CBI had objected to the release of the documentary series stating that it could affect the investigation into the Sheena Bora murder case, its outcome and people's perception. The docu-series revolves around Indrani Mukerjea, the former CEO of INX Media, who made headlines in 2015 for her alleged involvement in the murder of her daughter Sheena Bora. The series comes months after Indrani Mukerjea's 2023 memoir, 'Unbroken: The Untold Story'. The four-episode docuseries examines the complexities of the highly-debated Sheena Bora case. The trailer ends when Indrani is asked, "Did you murder your daughter Sheena?" Indrani retorts with a smile, "What a stupid question." Sharing the first poster of the docu-series, the makers wrote, "A sensational scandal that rocked the entire nation, with one family's darkest secrets at the center of it all.#TheIndraniMukerjeaStoryBuriedTruth, coming on 23 February only on Netflix!" Shaana Levy and Uraaz have directed the docu-series, which features interviews of Indrani Mukerjea, her children - Vidhie Mukherjea and Mikhail Bora along with those of veteran journalists, and lawyers. (ANI)