Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu has kickstarted her Thursday with a "best kind of mornings."
She took to Instagram to share photos of her working routine with a caption that read, "Forever seeking the morning sun. The best kind of mornings." Samantha posted photos of herself on Instagram on Thursday morning. While she did not divulge her location, she did share photos of herself working out, the lush flora she is surrounded by, her weight, and her metabolic age. In the first photo, she can be seen working out outside, with the sea and nature as a backdrop. She also dropped pictures of some birds and of a beautiful pool amid lush foliage. One of the photos showcased her weight, which is 50.1 kg, and metabolic age of 23 at the age of 36. Meanwhile, on the work front, she was recently seen sharing screen space with Vijay Deverakonda in 'Kushi'. Written and directed by Shiva Nirvana and produced by Mythri Movie Makers, 'Kushi' was released in theatres on September 1, 2023, in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. Samantha will be seen in the Indian adaptation of the action series 'Citadel' opposite Varun Dhawan. Recently, she finished the shoot of the series. After wrapping up the shoot, Samantha penned a lengthy note by sharing the pictures from the sets. She wrote, "And it's a wrap on #CitadelIndia. A break doesn't seem like a bad thing at all when you know what's coming @rajanddk @mensit... The family I didn't know I needed. Thank you for helping me fight every single battle and never ever giving up on me." Samantha Ruth Prabhu even declared her role in Citadel as a "role of a lifetime". Hold on. There's more to it. Samantha concluded her post with these words, "I wish more than anything in the world to make you proud.. Thank you for the role of a lifetime.. i.e. until you write me the next". Created by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. The action-packed series is an Indian adaptation of the Russo Brothers' series of the same name. Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden headlined the international version. (ANI)