Actor Jayaram, along with his wife Aswathi (Parvathi), called on Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and Reshma Arif at Kerala Raj Bhavan, according to PRO Kerala Raj Bhavan Taking to X, the Kerala Governor's office said, "Noted actor Shri Jayaram along with wife Smt Aswathi (Parvathi) called on Hon'ble Governor Shri Arif Mohammed Khan and Smt Reshma Arif at Kerala Raj Bhavan: PRO KeralaRajBhavan" Jayaram works predominantly in Malayalam cinema along with Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada films. He is known for his work in movies such as Ponmuttayidunna Tharavu (1988), Peruvannapurathe Visheshangal (1989), Mazhavilkavadi (1989), Adhwaytham (1992), Dhruvam (1993), Meleparambil Anveedu (1993), Aniyan Bava Chetan Bava (1995), Aadyathe Kanmani (1995), Swapna Lokathe Balabhaskaran (1996), Thooval Kottaram (1996), Superman (1997), Kilukil Pambaram (1997), Kottaram Veettile Apputtan (1998), and Pattabhishekam (1999), among others. In 2023, the actor also made his Kannada debut through MG Srinivas' Ghost. Jayaram further expanded his work zone by showing his calibre in the Telugu industry. He was offered a significant role in G Ashok's Bhaagamathie (2018), where he starred alongside the indomitable Anushka Shetty. (ANI)