Actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal are presently in Goa attending Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's wedding. Recently, Varun shared a video where he is enjoying traditional Goan thali with Natasha.
On Tuesday, the 'Baby John' actor dropped a video on Instagram Story where Natasha can be seen with Goan Thali and someone is explaining everything that was served on their plate. Recently, Varun shared the good news with their fans and followers that Natasha and him are all set to embrace parenthood. The image captured Varun planting a kiss on Natasha's baby bump and at the back their pet dog Joey posing for a camera. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "We are pregnant, Need all your blessings and love #myfamilymystrenght." Varun tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Natasha on January 24, 2021. The wedding was a close-knit affair with very few guests in attendance due to the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, on the work front, Varun Dhawan will be seen in the upcoming action thriller film 'Baby John'. 'Baby John' is directed by A. Kaleeswaran. Atlee is presenting the film in association with Jio Studios and Cine1 Studios. In the coming months, Varun will be seen in the Indian adaptation of the Hollywood series 'Citadel' opposite actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu. It is an Indian adaptation of the Russo Brothers' series of the same name. Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden headlined the international version. The release date of the Indian version of Citadel is awaited. Raj and DK have created the Indian version. Talking about Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's wedding, the grand wedding will take place in Goa in the presence of family and close friends on February 21. Rakul and Jackky are going all out to ensure they have an eco-friendly wedding, according to sources. Reportedly, the couple's 'green' wedding preparations include digital invites to save paper waste, a prohibition on fireworks, and a pledge to plant trees to offset their event's carbon footprint. The wedding will last three days, beginning on February 19, with the major ceremony on February 21. (ANI)